The W.C Episode 3 - An Interview with Aaron Gwynaire - Creator of Neyyah (July 22nd Release)

Shorah all! This is your host, Tyion. Well, hot off the heels of our second episode of The WaterCooler Show, C.C.N is proud to announce our third!

Going surface bound for this round, I got to sit down with a fellow MYST inspired creator, Mr. Aaron Gwynaire! Aaron is creating a Myst/Riven style point and click adventure title called "Neyyah" and he was kind enough to sit down with me and chat about it! I always delight in getting insight into the mind of a fellow creative and this did not disappoint. So, strap in my fellow Uruites/Myst/Riven addicts! This one's a delightful doozy! 

Shorah B'shemtee


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